论文目录: 1. Na Zhao, Yuan Zhang, Qiu-Qi Li, Ru-Fang Li, Xin-Li Xia, Xiao-Wei Qin, and Hui-Hong Guo* (2015). Identification and expression of a stearoyl-ACP desaturase gene responsible for oleic acid accumulation in Xanthoceras sorbifolia seeds. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 87(2): 9–16. 2. Hui-Hong Guo, Qiu-Qi Li, Ting-Ting Wang, Qing Hu, Wen-Hong Deng, Xin-Li Xia*, Hong-Bo Gao (2014). XsFAD2 gene encodes the enzyme responsible for the high linoleic acid content in oil accumulated in Xanthoceras sorbifolia seeds. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 94(3): 482–488. 3. Hui-Hong Guo*, Ting-Ting Wang, Qiu-Qi Li, Na Zhao, Yuan Zhang, Di Liu, Qing Hu, Feng-Lan Li (2013). Two novel diacylglycerol acyltransferase genes from Xanthoceras sorbifolia are responsible for its seed oil content.Gene 527 (1): 266–274. 4. Zhao Su, Xuan Ma, Hui-Hong Guo, Noor L. Sukiran, Bin Guo, Sarah M. Assmann, and Hong Ma*(2013). Flower development under drought stress: morphological and transcriptomic analyses reveal acute responses and long-term acclimation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 25(10): 3785–3807. 5. Dong-Lin Yao, Yi Jin, Wei-Na Liu, Xiao-Yu Wang, Hui-Hong Guo, Xiang-Ming Xie* (2013). Plant regeneration from mature zygotic embryo explants of Acacia crassicarpa A. cunn ex Benth. via adventitous shoots. Propagation of Ornamental Plants 13(2): 86–92. 6. Di Liu, Hai-Lian Yu, Feng-Lan Li, Hui-Hong Guo* (2011). An analysis of dormancy and dormancy release in Taxus chinensis var. mairei seeds. Seed Science and Technology 39(1): 29–43. 7. Di Liu, Xin Hua, Nan Qiao, Han Song, Hai Lu, Hui-Hong Guo, Feng-Lan Li* (2007). Dynamic changes of TRF lengths in the cells during the developmental process from embryos to seedlings and comparing with the embryonal calli in Ginkgo biloba L. Forestry Studies in China 9(2), 127–131. 8. Jing-Shu Bai, Xiao-Qing Zhu, Feng-Lan Li*, Hui-Hong Guo, Zhi-Dan Li (2005). Biological features of flowering and development of male gametophyte in Anthurium andreanum. Forestry Studies in China 7(1): 20–24. 9. Hui-Hong Guo, Shu-Min Gao, Feng-Jun Zhao, Feng-Lan Li (2004). Effects of cold acclimation on several enzyme activities in Euonymus radicans ‘Emorald & Gold’ and its relation to semi-lethal temperature. Forestry Studies in China 6(1): 10–17. 10. Hui-Hong Guo, Shu-Min Gao, Feng-Lan Li. Ultrastructural study on development of needle resin ducts in Pinus elliottii Engel.(2002). Forestry Studies in China 4(2): 68–72. 11. 赵娜,张媛,李秋琦,李茹芳,郭惠红* (2015). 文冠果FAD2的序列与功能分析.北京林业大学学报37(2): 87–93. 12. 赵娜, 张媛, 王静, 刘欣, 赵翠格, 郭惠红* (2015).文冠果种子发育及油脂累积与糖类、蛋白质累积之间的关系研究.植物研究35(1): 133–140. 13. 刘庆倩,石婕,安海龙,曹学慧,刘超,尹伟伦,夏新莉,郭惠红* (2015).应用15N示踪研究欧美杨对PM2.5无机成分NH4+和NO3-的吸收与分配.生态学报35(19): 1–11. 14. 石婕,刘庆倩,安海龙,曹学慧,刘超,尹伟伦,夏新莉,郭惠红* (2014).应用15N示踪法研究两种杨树叶片对PM2.5中NH4+的吸收.生态学杂志33(6):1688–1693. 15. 郭惠红,李凤兰 (2013).后教学法对高等林业院校“植物学”教学的启示.中国林业教育31(5): 61–63. 16. 王婷婷,马晓林,李凤兰,郭惠红*,陈发菊(2012).植物二酰甘油酰基转移酶(DGATs)及其编码基因的研究进展.广东农业科学39(6):127–130. 17. 李秋琦,于海莲,周凤娴,郭惠红*,夏新莉,李凤兰 (2012). 南方红豆杉种子休眠解除过程中的生理生化特性. 贵州农业科学40(6): 26–29. 18. 赵翠格,刘頔,李凤兰, 郭惠红* (2010).植物种子油脂的生物合成及代谢基础研究进展.种子29(4): 56 –62. 19. 于海莲,李凤兰,赵翠格,郭惠红* (2009).南方红豆杉种子休眠机理的研究.北京林业大学学报31(5): 78–83. 20. 胡青,李凤兰, 杜艺连, 郭惠红* (2009). 平基槭花性别分化的细胞学研究. 植物研究29(2): 136–140 21. 何利娟,郭惠红,费孛,张中南,李凤兰 (2006).单瓣与重瓣紫花木槿雌雄配子体发育的比较研究.北京林业大学学报28(4): 106–111. 22. 郭惠红, 胡青,高述民,李凤兰 (2005).金边卫矛冷驯化期间SOD和POD同工酶及蛋白的研究.北京林业大学学报27(6): 56–61. 23. 郭惠红,李庆,高述民,沈应柏,李凤兰 (2005).金边卫矛抗寒性研究初探.植物研究25(2): 4–10. 24. 郭惠红,程朋军,高述民,李凤兰 (2004).冷驯化提高金边卫矛抗寒力期间细胞ATP酶的超微细胞化学定位.西北植物学报24(4): 563–569. 25. 顾玉红,高述民,郭惠红,李凤兰 (2004).文冠果体细胞胚胎发生的研究初报.植物生理学通讯40(3): 311–313. 26. 郭惠红,高述民,李凤兰,郭蔚岚 (2003).植物抗冻蛋白及抗寒基因的表达调控.植物生理学通讯39(6): 555–560.
著译目录: 1. 郭惠红, 副主编. 2008.植物生物学(国家十一五教材). 北京: 中国林业出版社. 2. 郭惠红, 副主编. 2007.植物学实验教程(北京林业大学重点精品教材). 北京: 中国林业出版社.