
[发布日期:2012-05-13 点击数: ]
主讲《微生物学》(双语)、《微生物生态学》、《微生物基因工程》等课程。为《Journal of Environmental Sciences》、 《Environmental Monitoring and Assessment》、《Water Quality, Exposure and Health》、《北京林业大学学报》、《中国环境科学》、《安全与环境学报》、《环境科学学报》等学术期刊审稿人。近年来,在国内重要学术期刊上已发表论文20 余篇,其中发表在 《BMC microbiology》、《Ecology and Evolution》、 《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《PLOS One》等SCI期刊上11篇。
电话: 010-62336016

1.与“千人计划”学者邬荣领教授合作,应用高通量测序、全基因组关联分析(GWAS)及系统定位(Systems mapping)等研究手段,从事环境中微生物群落的多样性及生态功能研究,旨在确定微生物群落结构和生态功能间的联系及微生物多样性的形成机制,环境因素对微生物群落结构的影响及微生物相互作用相关分子机制等;




1995-1999 华中农业大学理学学士学位

1999-2002 华中农业大学理学硕士学位

2004-2007 中科院生态环境研究中心理学博士学位





1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目——典型城市饮用水体系中轮状病毒的分布与健康风险25万

2. 主持水利部公益性行业专项经费项目子课题——重点流域典型水源地风险污染物筛查和评价 64万

3. 863水专项专题“病原微生物分子生物学快速检测方法”25万

4. 主持863重点项目专题“饮用水消毒过程微生物健康风险控制技术” 10万

5. 参加北京林业大学北京林业大学科技创新计划,TD2012-03,24万




1. Xiaoqing He, Yi Jin, Meixia Ye, Jingqi Wang, Nan Chen, Jing Zhu, Libo Jiang, Rongling Wu. Genome-wide association analysis of interspecific interactions in microbial species, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. 2016, ISME J, under revision.

2. Tingting Liu,Weiwen Kong,Nan Chen,Jing Zhu. Jingqi Wang,Xiaoqing He*. Bacterial characterization of Beijing drinking water by flow cytometry and MiSeq sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Ecology and Evolution, 2016, 6(4):923-934. ( IF="2.3).

3. Weiwen Kong , Nan Chen, Tingting Liu, Jing Zhu, Jingqi Wang, Xiaoqing He*, Yi Jin. Large-scale transcriptome analysis of cucumber and Botrytis cinerea during infection., PLOS One, 2015,10(11): e0142221.( IF="3.2).

4. Xiaolu Liu, Jingqi Wang, Tingting Liu, Weiwen Kong , Xiaoqing He*. Effects of assimilable organic carbon and free chlorine on bacterial growth in drinking water. PLOS One, 2015,10(6): e0128825.( IF="3.2).

5. Yu-Mei Wei, Jing-Qi Wang, Ting-Ting Liu, Wei-Wen Kong,Nan Chen,Xiao-Qing He*, Yi Jin. Bacterial communities of Beijing surface waters as revealed by 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(16):12605-14. ( IF="2.8).

6. Boyun Yang, Xiaoqing He* et al. Rapid and sensitive detection of human astrovirus in water samples by loop-mediated isothermal amplification with hydroxynaphthol blue dye. BMC microbiology, 2014, 14(8) ( IF="3.1).

7. Xiaoqing He; Li Cheng; Deyou Zhang. Molecular detection of three gastroenteritis viruses in urban surface waters in Beijing and correlation with levels of fecal indicator bacteria. Environ Monit Assess,2012,184(9): 5563-5570( IF="1.6).

8. Xiaoqing He; Li Cheng; Deyou Zhang; Xiangming Xie; Donghong Wang; Zijian Wang. One-year Monthly Survey of Rotavirus, Astrovirus and Norovirus in Three Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in Beijing, China and Associated Health Risk Assessment. Water Science and Technology. 2011,63(1),191-198. ( IF="1.1).

9. He XQ, Cheng L, Li W, Xie XM, Ma M, Wang ZJ. Detection and distribution of rotavirus in municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs) and surface water in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A.2008, 43(4):424-429. ( IF="1.3).

10. He XQ, Cheng L, Zhang DY, Li W, Xie XM, Ma M, Wang ZJ. First Molecular Detection of Group A Rotaviruses in Drinking Water Sources in Beijing,China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, (83):120—124. ( IF="1.1).

11. Mingjia Yang, Xiangming Xie, Caixia Zheng,Fangqiu Zhang,Xiaoqing He,Zhiru Li. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of Acacia crassicarpa via organogenesis. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture, 2008, (95): 141-147. ( IF="1.3).

12. Mingjia Yang, Xiangming Xie, Xiaoqing He, Fangqiu Zhang. Plant regeneration from phyllode explants of Acacia crassicarpa via organogenesis. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture, 2006(85): 241-245 . ( IF="1.3).

13. Wang Zijian, He Xiaoqing, Xie Xiangming. Molecular technologies for monitoring pathogens in drinking water. J Ecotech Res, 2004, 10(3): 113-118.

14. 刘婷婷,何晓青*等. 基于流式细胞术研究管网水中细菌的稳定性.应用与环境生物学报,2016, 22(1):1136-1142.

15. 王敬琦,何晓青*等.基于esp基因和JCV标记的MST方法在五大流域典型水源地中的应用.生态毒理学报, 2015,10(6):246-252.

16. 刘晓露,何晓青*等. 可同化有机碳和余氯对饮用水中细菌活性的共同影响.安全与环境学报.2014, 14(3):198-201.

17. 杨柏云,韦玉梅,何晓青*等. 基于LAMP的人轮状病毒检测方法及其在水环境中的应用.安全与环境学报.2013,13(1):113-118.

18. 杨丽, 何晓青*, 程莉等. 环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)检测人星状病毒方法的建立及其在再生水检测中的应用.生态毒理学报, 2011, 6:595-602.
1.  Boyun Yang, Xiaoqing He, Zijian Wang. Rapid and sensitive detection of human astrovirus in water samples by loop-mediated isothermal amplification with hydroxynaphthol blue dye. Water Convention 2014, Singapore (Poster).
2. Xiaoqing He; Li Cheng; Deyou Zhang; Zijian Wang. One-year Monthly Survey of Rotavirus, Astrovirus and Norovirus in Three Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in Beijing, China and Associated Health Risk Assessment. 2010 International Water Congress, Montreal, Canada (Oral Presentation) .
3. Xiaoqing He, Li Cheng, Deyou Zhang, Xiangming Xie. Monitoring of Rotaviruses in Surface Waters in Beijing, China, and the Potential Health Risk. 2010 SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting ,Sevilla, Spain(Poster).
4. 何晓青,张德友等,再生水处理过程中轮状病毒的变化规律及风险评价。  第八届深、港、珠、澳供水界学术交流会暨第五届海峡两岸水质安全控制技术与管理研讨会  2009,  澳门(Oral).